Thursday, May 3, 2012

So many little time

I haven't been very good about getting this updated as you can tell, life has been a little INSANE!! So we moved to Utah and are currently living with my sister. I LOVE being near family, but I do miss my California friends like crazy. Joe is currently still in California and Joey & I are in Utah. It's super hard to be a single parent, but I have a ton of help from my sister and her family.

I got a new position and am loving it. I do not like the commute, I drive 51 miles one way to work daily. I am happy with the job and where I live; however, I would LOVE to take the commute out! I have met a lot of great people and really enjoy my job.

Joey is enjoying school, well sort of..he is in the same class as his cousin, Carter and he seems to enjoy it. He really loves being here in this neighborhood because there are a million kids outside playing (seriously, there are a ton of kids, we do live in UTAH after all). That kid is outside playing at every chance he gets!! We got his bike out of storage and it's like Christmas for him. He loves riding it and riding his scooter. I hardly see him these days. With the Summer in the air and it stays light until after 9, it's super hard to convince him it's time to come in.

So I'm hoping to get this blog updated soon with the craziness of our lives... :)

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