Monday, August 24, 2009

MOM stop taking Pictures your gonna make me LATE! Joey was not happy with me! Joey's first day of 2nd grade!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The boys ready to battle it out in the garage. They set up bases and had a real war going on.

Trevor got hurt within the first two minutes of the war. He slide and hit the fridge. Don't worry one grape otter pop and he was good to GO!

Bring it on!

The girls finally had a chance outside with the water guns, they are just not as violent as the boys were! Emma, Cammy, and Corrina enjoying the peace and quite of the outside, with NO BOYS!

Time to chill. Water balloon war was over, war had been won, Now its time to chill and try out the WII. This was the only time the kids were all together and sat still.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Manresa Beach

The boys could not get enough of the sand and the water. It was a good time by all!

The boys enjoyed dumping the water in the sand, they just kept getting buckets of water and dumping them.

Trevor enjoying the dumping of water on the sand!

Buiding a way to the ocean. Joey and Trenton building a castle and making a path to the water!

Grandma and the boys enjoying the good old Cali Sun! This beach was totally windy but that didn't seem to slow the boys down!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Taking Marine World by Storm!

Time to relax and enjoy the goodies, Cotton Candy and Soda. What else do you want in life!

The Boys ready for the Thomas Train to go around the block.

Trevor and Joey ready to fly the plane! It took them about 10 planes before this one to decide that they want to be together and they wanted the green!

This the only time it is ok for them to stand on the table. They thought that they were king of the Kitchen!