Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hunting for Eggs in the RAIN!!

Let the HUNT Begin!!

Joey was not able to let a LOT of RAIN slow him down during the egg hunt! We went to my sister - n -laws family's house to join in the Easter egg hunt! Joey loves going to their place, there is lots of KIDS for him to play with!! He really enjoyed the egg hunt this year!! He got money in some of his eggs!! He was the last one to find an egg. Now mind you, they were in the rain hunting for eggs for like 20 minutes, hence the drench look Joey is sporting! Then the adults were ready to go in because it was now getting cold, the kids didn't, the adult gave the last person to find the eggs $5.00. Joey was so Excited!!! We all had a great time!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Playing in the Rain

On Easter Sunday it rained so bad here in my area. Joey couldn't take being inside anymore and asked if he could go and play in the rain. Of course I remember when I was young and LOVED to play in the rain!

Joey of course had to get out his GUN to play in the rain! He just wanted to check things out in the backyard! He only played for a few minutes because it really started to pour down rain, unfortunately you can't tell in the pictures!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Coloring Eggs!

We enjoyed coloring eggs...I should say I enjoyed the coloring of eggs. Joey didn't
want to color eggs. So I made him pose for a few pictures and he did one egg. He was ready to be done before we even started! The sad thing is that my baby is growing up! I don't think that I am ready for that just yet!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Easter Bunny Pays us a Visit!

Joey advised us that he has missed the Easter Bunny leaving him a trail of eggs from his room to his basket. Its funny as a parent you don't realize how the simple pleasures in life effect your family! We informed the Easter Bunny this year of Joey's simple request. Joey was very pleased with the trail of eggs this year!!

The Basket of goodies from the Easter Bunny! Joey was so excited!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Joey takes a trip to ER for Hives!

Its amazing when you tell an 8 year to smile and they don't want too, offer him chips and its all smiles!

Joey broke out in the hives on Thursday night, so going through a series of questions from what did you eat?, what activities have you been up to?, and did you change any laundry soap?...the answer was no...then remember we switched to bounce dryer sheets, they may have added. The doctor in the ER tells me that it could actually been one of many things...Not so helpful doc. So after two and half hours in the ER, two steroid pills, $100.00 later, we left the ER with no new answers. Oh the joys of being a parent!! So all is well, at least nothing that a few steroids pills and benadryl won't fix!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Great Friends = Great Weekend

The gang back together again! This visit was way too short, but it was great time while it lasted.

This is the "geek corner", all the boys were playing games on their moms cell phones!! This is at a fancy restaurant and the boys had to behave, so we gave up the phones to let them play!

The Boys chilin on the Pier waiting for the Magic show to start. They only lasted in this spot for like 5 minutes then it was on to the playground!

Playin in San Fran

Taking the playground by storm. Joey, Brighton, and a new friend ELI played on the playground. They boys were just lovin play time!

They boys just couldn't wait to play together!! Its amazing how quick they are back to being the crazy boys they were all along! They have totally missed each other!!

Easter Egg Hunt at the Church!

The Kid who actually LIKES me!!

He was ready to get down to business! Bring on the EGGS!!

Letty finds an egg in the bush..she had a lot of helpers!!

Joey didn't have time to look at mom, there was work to be done!!

Letty enjoyed the hunt!

Oysters anyone?

We went to San Fransisco last weekend to join up with old Friends Amanda and Brighton. Well we always have an adventure when we are with Amanda and "B" man, so we went to Lunch on the Pier. I tried an oyster for the first time. Here it is!! It was actually GOOD! Joey didn't even want to think about trying it, "B" was all over it! "B" man said it was good!! The restaurant was very fancy, and well we are not fancy to say the least...But it was a good experience for all!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Boys and Their Wanna Be Toys!!

Joe and Joey went to visit a tank that is located in the next town over from where we currently live. Joey is so much into military stuff..Joe found out about a tank that was located near us and they went to check it out. The boys enjoyed this little trip!!

Joey took this picture of his dad, his first picture that he can remember taking! Not too bad..maybe he gets his picture taking skills from his Grandma!!