Saturday, February 26, 2011

We are still ALIVE..

So it has been a while since we posted anything...we are all still alive and well!! It seems life has just flown by and I am on the sidelines watching everything zoom by...

We have busy with Joey's school work, paperwork, Joe recovery from his eye produce, cub scouts, paperwork, baseball, sick boys, paper work, work, working extra hours, more paper work, church callings, paper work, life, trying to spend quality time with our little family, and just in case I didn't mention, PAPERWORK! Some days I hit the pillow and don't remember anything until the alarm going off the next morning at 5:00 a.m.!

We have for the most part enjoying life, its a little busier than I would like but all is good!!

Joe has been recovering well since his procedure. He has be able to gain majority of his eye sight back, however, in the last two weeks his sight has not improved nor worsen! So good thing is that his sight is back for the most part...Bad thing is it hasn't gotten any better! Joe is handling this trial very well! He has been in very good spirits about the whole ordeal, the only minor set back is he is going stir crazy confined to the house!

Throughout this trial he has gained a great relationship with Joey, has built a model that he has been putting off for the last 10 years, and learned the joys of being a stay at home parent! We are all adjusting to him being home all the time rather well! We go to the doctor on March 7, a week from Monday, at that time Joe's eye will be re-evulated. We are sure there will be another procedure done at this time. This will then have Joe out for an additional 6 weeks to recovery. Joe is not excited...JOEY couldn't be HAPPIER!! This means dad's at home and he doesn't have to go anywhere else!! :0) I'm dealing with everything well, I just want him to heal and not rush into going back to work. I would rather fix it now, then turn around a few weeks later only to have him pulled out of work and start the process all over again! I have complete enough paperwork between State Disability and Dishnetwork that I will be ok to never fill any more out the rest of my life!!

This trial has also brought about several blessing that we couldn't never have imagine in our lifetime! We had never felt such great love from our Ward Family as we have with this situation. Its amazing how wonderful people are!! Everyone is concerned and have just come out of the woodwork to assist us in anyway, shape or form. The unconditional love that has been felt just leaves me in such AWE! It is such a great feeling that when you don't live around your family, the ward family has jump to the plate and taken over!

We have been busy with everyday things and with Joe not driving, the errands seem to pile up at the end of the day and only have a few hours to complete them! I will say that I am not fond of driving! I have driven everywhere under the sun, it reminds me of when I first got my license and mom had me doing the grocery shopping. Um thanks, but I DON'T want to DRIVE again!! LOL..

Joey has started up baseball seasons, he is so excited! We had a hard time keeping him from talking to his team mates the first practice! He told me that he was talking because he had made new friends!! He does not like school and can't wait til his old enough to move back to Arizona and be with his cousins. He has informed me that he wants a "guys night" with his boy cousins in Arizona and he wants to go Shopping for Cowboy boots?!?! I told him that he could have Taylor take him so he goes to the right store!!

We will keep you all posted on the events of March 7th. We love you all and miss each of you dearly. The plans for this year is to come visit and spend time with our loved ones!!

1 comment:

Rese said...

We love you guys, and we are praying so much for Joe's recovery.