We truly never know when it is our time to leave this world and go back to our Heavenly Home. Joe's cousin from Idaho, (his step dad's brothers daughter)was killed on Sunday May 16Th in a car accident. She was on the way to her sister's seminary graduation and lost control of her vehicle. She was placed on life support, then the doctors told her parents that she had serve brain damage and probably would not make it. Then her parents made the hardest decision that can be placed on any parent, they took her off life support and she left this earthly home. She was only 19 years old. We had the privilege to meet her on several occasions, what a great spirit she had!!
As I have tried to reflect on my life, I am truly grateful for the knowledge that the gospel has brought into my life. I am able to lean on my Heavenly Father and know that one day I will be with him again. I am truly blessed to know that this earthly home is one that is for a short while, that our eternal home will be the BEST! I am very grateful for the relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ. I know that they live and I know that I will be with them again. During this hard time, I am able to find comfort in knowing that this is not the end to all things. It is just the middle section of our lives. We all came here with a purpose and we must always remember that. I just want to let all my friends and family know that I know that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves each of us, and that they know each of us!! I have no doubt in my mind that I will be with them in the after life. I do want you all to know that I am truly grateful for the blessings that this gospel brings into my life and I am grateful for the gift of eternal life. I am truly grateful to know that I will be with my family for eternity! What a precious gift that has been given to us. I will end with saying, that I love each and every one of you.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mothers Day

For Mothers Day I got a flower pot from Joey, he painted the top BLUE his favorite color. I loved this gift from little BUBBA!!

My dear friend, Stephanie got me this cute little Frog plant for Mothers Day. The best is it desert plants and I don't have to remember to water them!! For Joey's plants..I make no promises!!
Fathers and Sons Campout

Joey and Joe got to go camping for the annual Fathers and Sons!! Joe and Joey left early on Friday afternoon and had a blast!! Joe and Joey started a new tradition last year with having a water balloon fight with our Bishop and his son, the Bellantes, and the Wright family. They enjoyed the water fights and enjoyed being around nature!! Joey was so excited to go camping because he has really missed that since we moved up here!!
Bring on the Pinewood Derby
The lecture of a lifetime!!

I have started a new tradition... On my best Friend Melissa's birthday I decorate her car windows. So Last year I wrote on her car windows... HONK ITS MY BIRTHDAY...MY MOM IS SEXY... MY MOM IS A FOXY LADY, etc... Melissa enjoyed all those people honking their car horns at her for a few days (well she didn't tell me any different)...so keeping this tradition alive I went late the night before to decorate her car windows. Well the next day I went to Melissa's house and got the lecture of my life by a 3 year old girl. Melissa's little girl, Letty, yelled at me for drawing on her moms window. She says to me "we don't draw on windows, we draw on PAPER!!" Well how do you explain to a 3 year that it will come off and it was just for fun. To put it simply, YOU DON'T...
Now part of the story you need to know is that about two weeks before, Letty decided that she would draw on her dresser. She colored all over the dresser and she even pulled it on top of herself. She was determined to finish her master piece on the top of the dresser. She was then told that you don't draw on anything other than paper! Hence, the lecture I got two weeks later. Melissa left the sayings on her window for a couple of days, but every time Letty got into the car, she would tell her mom, "I am so MAD at FRIENDA (her nickname for me), we don't draw on the CAR, only PAPER!!" So needless to say her mom got the car wash quickly!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Steer WOMAN!!

So we went to Six Flags for part of Joey's Spring Break and he rode on the Go Karts! my dear friend Stephanie took Joey around the track. Stephanie steered around the corners but Joey was allowed to steer during the long stretches. Now as you all know Joey is always blunt, and he was done with the driving when he went around the corner and the only out of his mouth was "STEER WOMAN"! That was Stephanies' clue to take the wheel!! Gotta love that BOY!! Lucky for us, Stephanie just laugh at Joey!!
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