Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hunting for Eggs in the RAIN!!

Let the HUNT Begin!!

Joey was not able to let a LOT of RAIN slow him down during the egg hunt! We went to my sister - n -laws family's house to join in the Easter egg hunt! Joey loves going to their place, there is lots of KIDS for him to play with!! He really enjoyed the egg hunt this year!! He got money in some of his eggs!! He was the last one to find an egg. Now mind you, they were in the rain hunting for eggs for like 20 minutes, hence the drench look Joey is sporting! Then the adults were ready to go in because it was now getting cold, the kids didn't, the adult gave the last person to find the eggs $5.00. Joey was so Excited!!! We all had a great time!!


Rese said...

Now that is what I call a rain shower!

MCubed said...

sounds like so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!